Pam Fudge comes from Poole, Dorset where she was born
and grew up. ‘It’s a beautiful place
and I have never wanted to live anywhere else,’ she says.
Pam shares her home with two dogs, a cat and the occasional guest. Three
grown up children, seven grown up stepchildren and numerous grandchildren
make up the rest of Pam’s immediate family. She also has two sisters.
Pam worked part-time as a Recruitment Administrator at Bournemouth University
for a number of years and was a part-time tutor for the Borough of Poole
Adult Education Service teaching Writing For Pleasure And Profit for eleven
years until March 2002. Many of Pam’s students found their way into
print under her tuition.
Pam, herself, began her writing career in similar AE classes
to the ones she went on to teach. One of her tutors was the late Nancy
Smith, who encouraged Pam to take over the tuition of the class
when she moved away from the area herself.
‘Nancy said “Never say no to anything,
just because you think you can’t do it”,’ Pam
recalls. ‘I’ve found myself not only
teaching, but judging writing competitions, giving talks, not to mention
writing books, just because Nancy assured me I could. I have a lot to
thank her for."
Pam’s love of books came from the mother who ‘took
us to the library as soon as we could walk,’ according to
Pam. It was her elder sister, Barbara, who persuaded her to enrol for
her first ‘Writing For Pleasure And Profit’
writing course. She had, however, been making up stories for her other
sister, Pat, from a very early age and has been writing poetry for family,
friends and colleagues for most of her life.
‘I was a typical wife and mum for many
years,’ Pam says, ‘Very into
baking, sewing, knitting and all those homely pursuits. I loved the luxury
of being at home while my children grew up and I enjoyed every moment
of the time I spent with them. Only when I could see forty looming on
the horizon did I begin to look for something that would be just for me.’
That ‘something’ turned out to be a previously unsuspected
talent for short fiction, and Pam’s first acceptance from ‘Hers’
magazine came only four months after she joined her first writing class.
Several years and numerous published short stories later,
Pam had her first book accepted for publication. It was a romance, the
hero inspired by Pam’s late husband, Eddie, and the character was
based loosely on him. The following year her second book was published.
‘Eddie and I had a long and happy marriage.
He was always very supportive of everything I did and the first book was
dedicated to him. This dedication was a complete surprise to him and gave
him immense pleasure. Eddie died suddenly in 1996 at only 52 years of
age but I’ve always been very glad that he was here to see me get
so far with my writing.’
Inspiration eluded Pam for some time, as she fought to come to terms with
the loss of Eddie, but she eventually found success again with short fiction.
She has been published in World Wide Writers
- with a story for which she won a joint 3rd prize - and also in The
Lady Fiction Special, Woman, Take
A Break, Best, Fiction
Feast and Woman’s Weekly.
Pam met Frank in the summer of 1997, they were married in July 1999 and
were blissfully happy until his sudden death in September 2003. ‘I
never expected to find love again,’ she says, ‘and
I certainly never expected to marry again or to be as happy. Though our
time together was relatively short, I still feel very, very lucky to have
had that time and I wouldn’t have missed one minute. My time with
Frank taught me a lot, not least to cherish those I love, and to enjoy
every single day I am given. I know I am a better person for having known
and loved him. He was a very, very special man. I would give anything
to be able to turn the clock back, but I know that isn’t possible.
I owe it to Frank – and to Eddie, too - to be happy as they would
wish me to be.’
The following is just one of the many poems
I wrote for Frank during our time together:
The sign said, Closed,’ across my heart
And then you came along
To put a smile upon my face
And fill my life with song.
You took the pieces of my life
And worked to make it whole,
You took my heart so tenderly
And then you took my soul.
No wonder that I love you so
And that you will forever be
All that I ever wanted,
Part of my life, and part of me.
Pam Fudge 14th February 2000
poem was written for Eddie on what was to be his last birthday:
When it comes to saying, 'I love you,'
I never know where to start,
And cards just never say the things
I feel deep in my heart.
I love you for the things you do,
And the way you show you care,
I love you for supporting me
And always being there.
Anything I might achieve,
And whatever I can be,
Would all be less than nothing
Without you next to me.
Pam Fudge/19th October 1995 |
This saying is pinned above my PC:
‘God, grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.’
I try to heed those words and also that ‘Time is a
great healer,’ and ‘Life goes on.’
Hearing about the publisher, Transita, and their very specific requirement
– ‘novels featuring women over 45, who are facing new challenges’
- was a turning point for Pam and her third novel, Widow
On The World was published by Transita in April 2006.
Widow On The World is a
work of pure fiction, but Pam would have to say there have been certain
similarities between her life and that of Denise, the main character in
the book. Widow On The World is about one woman’s
efforts to put her life back together after bereavement – hampered
at times by well-meaning family (most of the time!) and friends. It’s
a confirmation that life can begin again at any age – and still
be full of surprises.
News of Pam’s success with Widow
On The World has been reported in the Bournemouth Echo,
Writers News and The Community Magazine. A book signing session at Ottaker’s
Bookshop in Poole resulted in a sell-out, Waterstone’s in Bournemouth
reported that Widow On The World
was ‘flying off the shelves,’ and it was a recommended read
in Bella magazine issue dated 25th April 2006.
In addition Widow On The World
has been awarded 4 stars and described as ‘a
sensitive tale’ when reviewed by The Bournemouth Echo, was
among ‘Pick of the best reading to take
on holiday or savour at home’ in My Weekly Holiday Reading
Special and was dubbed ‘A good read’
by Yours Autumn Special with the following comments,
‘A true roller-coaster of emotions – it takes you from tears
to laughter and back again with just the turn of a page. Definitely recommend.
It’s a good choice, particularly if you’re looking for an
easy entertaining read.’
Widow On The World has also recently been
very favourably reviewed by the American ‘Bluestalking Reader and
Pam was also interviewed by the same person. A more recent review from
America on the Ex Libris blog dated May 26 2007 concludes, ‘Widow
On The World is an enjoyable and thought provoking read.
It is well written with witty, quick prose and several plot twists that
keep things interesting. The author also provides compelling food for
thought on various issues, which makes the reader stop and think. In my
opinion, all of these factors add up to a good book,’ (both
can be read in full on NEWS).
In recent months Pam has judged the Short Story Competition for Bournemouth
Writers’ Circle and acted as co-organiser for the Bournemouth Literary
Festival ‘A World of Romantic Fiction’ Event which took place
on 30th June 2007. She was also interviewed for the ‘Writer’s
Room’ slot in Writers’ Forum.
In October 2007 Pam's fourth novel, High Infidelity
was published by Robert Hale Ltd and a book launch held at Waterstones
in Poole, Dorset was hugely successful with every available copy sold
on the night.
A review of High Infidelity in The Woman
Writer commented, ‘'The novel teases you with its twists and
turns and is an enjoyable journey to the warm and satisfying resolution.
Tina and her daughter are attractively feisty characters and there is
a down-to-earth, no-nonsense quality about the writing that is hugely
appealing. The story gallops along and there are plenty of laughs and
intriguing situations along the way.'
Also in 2007 Pam judged the Short Story Competition for
Bournemouth Writers’ Circle and acted as co-organiser for the Bournemouth
Literary Festival ‘A World of Romantic Fiction’ Event which
took place on 30th June 2007. She was also interviewed for the ‘Writer’s
Room’ slot in Writers’ Forum and featured in What’s
On Books and Dorset Writers’ Top Festival Reading in the Bournemouth
Pam’s fifth novel, A Blessing In Disguise,
was published in hardback by Hale in June 2008 and a feature in the Bournemouth
Echo was headed, very aptly, ‘The dream has come true.’ Pam
was also interviewed by Rob Richardson on Express FM for Write On a programme
dedicated to writers and writing. This was followed by an interview on
Radio Solent when she took part in the Bournemouth Literary Festival 2008.
A review of A Blessing In Disguise in The
Woman Writer had the following to say, ‘This
a story about how the unexpected can change your life forever. Alex and
Phil have been happily married, or so she thought, for twenty-five years
until Alex discovers she is pregnant. Phil gives her a cruel ultimatum,
their marriage or the baby. She chooses the baby and moves into a flat.
Also in the building is Winston, a photographer with problems of his own.
Alex is surprised when Phil’s family supports her, as she has always
felt like an outsider and had never been shown kindness before. She discovers
Phil is having an affair with his nephew’s girlfriend. She reaches
out for Winston but can he help her overcome her sadness? After the birth
of her daughter, Mia, she feels no bond with the baby forcing Phil’s
family to leave her to cope alone. Can Alex find the true meaning of family
and love?’ It concludes, ‘this is a well-written book that
holds one’s attention from the first page with twists and turns
until the final outcome.’
Pam’s sixth novel, Second Best,
was published in hardback by Hale in July 2009 and the feature in the
Bournemouth Echo this time was headed ‘Best In Shore,’ due
to the book’s stunning cover – courtesy of David Young - depicting
Poole Quay at sunset. There followed interviews on Express FM, Forest
FM and Hope FM and a very successful book launch at Waterstone’s
in Poole.
A review Second Best in The Woman Writer
stated, ‘From the first meeting of the
feisty Stacey and the short-tempered Lex the sparks begin to fly, as the
action moves rapidly between high drama and farce, with the wedding from
hell that has Stacey as an unwilling and unwelcome guest merely the start
of a roller-coaster of disaster, and the two protagonists fighting fate
and each other as they hurtled through a labyrinth of human emotions and
desires. Second Best is a good lively read, with plenty of humour and
some nice one-liners; just the book to pack in your holiday luggage, or
curl up with on a chilly September evening at home.’
Pam’s seventh novel, A Change For The Better,’
was published in hardback by Hale in June 2010 and the feature in the
Bournemouth Echo by Ed Perkins was very aptly entitled ‘Writing
The Changes.’. There followed interviews on Forest FM and The Bay
FM and BBC Solent Radio and photographs of the very successful book launch
at Waterstone’s in Poole made their way into the glossy pages of
Dorset Society magazine.
A review of A Change For The Better by TheBookBag
stated: ‘If you’re looking for a
heart-warming easy read then you could do a lot worse than A Change For
The Better. The pages turn of their own accord and the urge to find out
what was going to happen to Jo next meant I read the book in one very
self-indulgent sitting. I loved Jo, seeing something of myself in the
ease with which you can slip into premature middle age and envious of
her get-up-and-g. She’s feisty but with a soft spot for friends
and family, particularly her son Petie, who had been something of a tearaway
but seemed to have got his life back on the rails again. They’re
all real people who come of the page fully formed and stick in the mind
after you’ve finished reading. It was great fun. Summary: ‘A
heart-warming story about changes Jo Farrell makes when she loses her
alcoholic husband and demanding mother. A delightful and feel-good read.’
The Daily Echo review said: ‘I found this
book easy to read and also came across a situation that could happen to
a lot of women,’ and The Woman Writer stated: ‘The contents
of this book will ring a chord with many of us who have reached that ‘certain
age.’ The reader is left wondering, right to the end, what the outcome
will be. A wonderfully positive book, which leaves the reader entertained
and uplifted especially if, like Jo, you feel in need of a change for
the better.’
Pam’s eighth novel Never Be Lonely
was published in hardback by Hale in July 2011 and the feature in the
What’s On Books section of the Bournemouth Echo was very entitled
‘Unearthing Secrets’ which reflected the storyline of uncovering
family secrets. There followed interviews on Forest FM and The Bay FM
and a launch at Waterstone’s in Poole.
A review of Never Be Lonely by TheBookBag
stated: ‘About this time last year I picked
up another book by Pam Fudge with, I’ll admit, any great expectations
and was surprised and delighted when I read it through in one sitting
and thoroughly enjoyed it. Characters you could warm to and a story line
which kept me turning the pages all played their part. It wasn’t
great literature – in many ways it was better than that –
it was just a damned good easy-read story that was perfect for a sunny
summer afternoon.’ (The book referred to is Pamela’s
previous novel A Change For The Better).
TheBookBag goes on: Well, this time the sun had
got his rain coat on and it was slightly chilly but exactly the same thing
happened. I read a good story and I warmed to the characters. I even wanted
to hear more of the ex-husband but I suspect Pam Fudge played him just
right. Any more of him and he would have turned into a caricature. If
you’re looking for a deep book which you’ll ponder over then
this isn’t the one for you, but if you’d just enjoy a good,
light, well-written read then look no further.’
TheBookBag reviewer gave Never Be Lonely
four stars, as did The Bournemouth Echo reviewer.
Pam’s 9th novel Turn Back Time was published in hardback by Hale in June 2012 and the feature in the Bournemouth Echo was headed ‘The Write Stuff’ and went on to say ‘Pam’s 9th novel focuses on the way relationships can change and not always for the better. Following the book launch at Waterstones in Poole Pam was thrilled to see, Turn Back Time at number one in the hardback chart for the store that week. Interviews with Forest FM and Solent Radio followed.
A review of Turn Back Time by the Bookbag stated: ‘It’s an engaging story written in the trademark Pamela Fudge style. It’s a light, easy read and I happily tripped through it in one sitting when I was sorely in need of something relaxing. You can always rely on Pamela Fudge for that. A light engaging summer read with a heroine you warm to.’
A review of Turn Back Time in the Woman Writer Said: ‘Pamela Fudge delivers to the reader characters that are both likeable and identifiable. An easy, yes absorbing read which leaves you wanting more. I certainly enjoyed this book and would not hesitate to recommend it as one to take on holiday.’
Pam’s 10th novel Not What It Seems was published in hardback by Hale in July 2013 and the feature in the Bournemouth Echo magazine was headed ‘Believe In Yourself’ and went on to say ‘Pam’s latest novel, Not What It Seems tells the story of Evie and Owen who set up a practical arrangement to help with the day-to-day problems of childcare, but find it difficult to lead their own lives once their children fly the nest. The book launch was held at Waterstones in Poole and was well attended as her launches usually are. Interviews with Forest FM and Solent Radio followed.
A review of Not What It Seems by the Bookbag stated: ‘I do hope Pam Fudge will forgive me for describing her as a guilty pleasure. I don’t mean that I’ve no wish to admit to reading the book but rather that on a hot night when I couldn’t sleep I should have been reading something worthy. After all I have a veritable Everest of such books by the side of my bed. But what I wanted was a darned good story with characters I could believe in and warm to – and you’ve got to admit this is a cracker of an idea. And the beauty of the book is that you can understand why the relationship worked when the children were growing up and why there’s a bit of strain when it’s all broken up. Fudge has given us a couple of great lead characters in Owen and Evie. You not only believe in them – you sometimes get cross with them when they seem to be doing something silly. You’re involved. The greatest praise I can give though is that Fudge brings the five children off the page as individuals and you can understand why they feel the way they do. Like me you’ll probably be wondering how the relationships between the kids work out and Fudge delves into this quite neatly. I’m not telling you this is great literature – it’s not. It’s a great read and if, like me, you can’t sleep, or you’re on a beach or curled up in front of the fire then this could be the book to have in your hand. I thoroughly enjoyed it.’
A review of Not What It Seems
in the Woman Writer Said: ‘Pamela has created two super characters
in Evie and Owen and the reader is immediately drawn to them, having sympathy
with both and even feeling annoyed by some of their actions. Pamela has
also defined the characters of each child and we end up wondering how
the relationship between the children and the adults will be resolved.
Do they end up resolving their differences? For the answer you need to
read this cleverly worked novel with its many twists and turns.’
Pam’s 11th Novel Love & Lies was published in paperback and as an e-book in August 2014 by Soundhaven books. 5* reviews included the following comments:
‘Pamela Fudge is one of those enviable writers who is able to draw the reader into the story in the first few pages. Her characters are real and, with each story you feel as if you have made some new friends.’
‘I loved this book, in fact I have enjoyed all of Pamela's that I have read! Delightful characters, believable plot, and appropriate twists and turns that keep you reading.’
‘If you want a large slice of romance without the sleaze this could be the book for you it certainly was for me.A good story, well written with good characters that needed just a little bit of a slap!’
‘Most enjoyable to read. The story is based on the heroine going to work for he hero as his secretary as no-one else in the agency she is temporarily running, can put up with him (rang a loud bell with me, been there, done that, got the t-shirt). Only she does manage to tame him - after a lot of highs and lows.’
‘Told from the heart a really fabulous love story by a great author.’
‘Another great light summer read by the ever-reliable Pamela Fudge. Always love finishing a book with a smile on my face, thanks Pam!’
‘A lovely easy read with delightful characters and a great plot. This book keeps you interested from beginning to end. Thoroughly enjoyable.’
Pam’s 12th novel It’s In The Cards was published in hardback and as an e-book in December 2014 and a feature in the Bournemouth Echo magazine was headed, A Passion For Words interviewer Emma Joseph went on to say: ‘Pam has a rather unique way of writing – rather than plotting before she starts, she begins with a scenario – her latest novel opens with a birthday party – and lets the plot develop as she writes.’
A review from The Bookbag includes the following: ‘I can never resist a Pam Fudge book. I'm sure she'll forgive me for saying that they're not great literature - because great literature is not always what you want. Sometimes you want to settle down with a good story that you know is going to deliver some great characters and a hefty feel-good factor and on those counts Pam Fudge is utterly reliable. I loved Ellen Carson - happy in her own skin and doing well what she wants to do most. It's brilliant to see a heroine who isn't worried that she's not married at forty or even in a relationship. It's not that she doesn't have relationships - just that she's not bothered about settling down. How great is that? And what a change from the usual heroine who sees her ultimate aim as having a man in her life.’
A review in the Woman Writer had this to say: ‘This is Pam’s 12th novel and is another of her cosy, fireside romances. Whenever I sit down to start reading one of her book, I find that each chapter leads me on to wanting to find out what happened next. Needless to say, I read its two hundred or so pages in one sitting during a very wet day and was pleased, despite its many twists and turns, that everything led to a happy conclusion. It’s a pleasant and easy read of fans of the romantic genre.’
The Book Shelf’s comments included the following comments: Just when Ellen thought she was safe from any difficulties that could arise from unwanted relationships, when her world was comfortably organised and she was confident it would stay that way, life decided otherwise. If you’re not impressed with the seamier revelations of other girls’ attitudes to life from our other two selections this month, this will be balm to the soul, and you’ll read it cover to cover long before you go on holiday.’
Pam’s 13th Novel A Temporary Arrangement was published as an e-book for Kindle in May 2015. Roz and Sam were just good friends but, for their own reasons, they made out they were more than that. It kept Great Aunt Ellen from fretting about Roz’ single state and the media from nosing into up-and-coming country and western singer Sam’s private life – and it worked like a dream until one of them wanted to end the pretence. That’s when the trouble started.
This was the comment of a 5* reviewer: If I had the option to put 10* then I would. Another of Pamela books that I loved, loved, loved. A brilliant story line. Fantastically written. Intrigue. romance, suspense. What else can I say, I don't do spoilers all I can say is READ it - enjoy it. I did
Her other books A Blessing in Disguise, It's in the Cards and Widow on the World are also brilliant reads.
Pam’s 14th novel Not My Affair was published in hardback and as an e-book in November 2015. Just as Fay Ryan is about to break the news to her husband Jack that, at last they are about to become parents, he gives her a Christmas gift that is obviously intended for the mistress Fay knew nothing about – a mistress who is also Jack’s boss – but with the affair over Jack moves back home to take care of Fay. Odd things start happening. Complaints about Fay at work, a stolen item placed in her bag in a shop, dead flowers left on the doorstep, but it is only when Iona starts confronting Fay in person that they realise the woman has started a frightening campaign of harassment against Fay in her determination to win Jack back.
5* reviews included the following comments:
‘Yet another wonderful read from Pamela Fudge, It was very hard to put down and loved the storyline and the twists and surprises definitely keep you very gripped. I cannot wait to read more of Pamela's books. Highly recommend. Keep up the good work Pamela.’
‘Well this one had me very close to the edge of my seat and that was a complete surprise in a book penned by this author. Pamela Fudges addition of suspense and real grit into her latest publication certainly gets my vote .I think this her best yet and I can't wait for the next one.As always all of the characters are believable, not necessarily folks you would want as friends and definitely not as lovers but thoroughly believable and woven into a tale well told.’
‘A gripping romance with all of Pamela Fudge's usual lightness of touch and lovable, believable characters Readers are kept on the edge of their seats right up to the end. A great read!’
Pam’s 15th novel Least Said was published September 2016 and has this first amazing 5* review:
‘What truly fantastic read. Wow all the way through for me 2% in and it was bring situations in my earlier life back, I was hooked right from the start. It is beautifully written. It works with suspected infertility and the events and insecurities that come about because of it. It is story of the lives of Jon and Wendy, the deep love they have and their 'son' Will. The amazing support from their friends Callum and Tina; a very special bond between the two families, especially Tina and Wendy. I am not saying anymore as I don't wish do spoilers - and if I say much more the complexities will become too apparent.’
I just struggled to put the book down, partly because of my own experiences, but it is an absorbing and beautifully written story, even if you have not been involved in the type of events that weave through it - it is a wonderful story! How does an author find the inspiration to write a book like this, that must ring true for so many people, it is as if Pamela had experienced it for herself and was writing from the heart! I just do not have words to express about this fantastic book.
Further 5* reviews in praise of Least Said followed:
‘Would love to have been able to give much more than 5* for yet another fabulous read, by the wonderful author Pamela Fudge. I just love her writing, and this was another delight. Drawn in from page one right to the end, about loss, love and uncertainty, this story will have you turning pages as fast as you can. I don't like to give stories away, but this is a must read and can recommend highly. Cant wait for more from Pamela.’
‘Pam's done it again! Friendships and relationships are Pam's forte and 'Least Said' is no exception. Her characters are so likable, so real, you feel you know them or would like to. You share their worries, concerns and heartbreak, willing them to get it together and restore happiness. William's a delightful little boy, his parents wonderful. There's just one fly in the ointment, that doubt over his parentage. This was a real page turner. You go through the whole gamut of doubt and uncertainty but thank goodness, enjoy their happy ending. Thank you for another feel-good story, Pam.’
‘Loved this story lots of twists and turns along the story. With a beautiful end to it .thanks to the author for another brilliant read her books never fail to be enjoyable. Snuggle up and read on the cold autumn days . And leaving you waiting for more.’
‘This is a really good read for the week-end. Not too taxing but with a really good twist at the end. Just my cup of tea, well done once again Ms Fudge. Can’t wait for the next one.’
‘A touching story told with Pamela Fudge's usual delightfully gentle touch that reaffirms love and traditional family values never go out of fashion.’
Pam’s 16th novel Dearest Daughter was published in 2020 in paperback and e-book. 5* reviews offered the following comments:
‘I was absorbed from page one and was fascinated as to where it was going
‘54% in I had a thought I and wondered if I was right
Oh my word 66% in how is this going to advance
I am not saying if I was right or wrong but STRONGLY, strongly recommend you read it. You will NOT be disappointed I promise you.’
‘I would certainly have given 10* if I could. What a brilliant read from this Author if loved all of Pamela Fudges books iv read and this is absolutely a winner. I was totally gripped and enthralled all the way through and wasn't expecting this to turn out as it did. I don't like giving spoilers but I can definitely recommend this book, you have to read it to believe.’
‘I have been enjoying Pamela Fudges novels for a good while now and this one did not disappoint. Pamela specialises in family stories, and this is one with a difference. Definitely didn't see that coming! Thoroughly recommend this latest offering.’
Pam’s 17th novel It’s All Over Now was published in 2021 in paperback and e-book. This 5* review offered the following comments:
‘Wow quite a start. What is the reason for Kevin’s actions? Oh, my goodness revelations about Kevin’s life. Then another twist how will this pan out? Now 69% where is this going to go end of chapter 16, I am wondering? What an ending - a great read I really recommend it.
Pam’s 18th novel Just Good Friends was published in 2021 in paperback and e-book. 5* reviews offered the following comments:
‘Well right from the start you are intrigued as to where this was going. And it gets more and more captivating. But I kept looking at the book title - surely friends can be lovers or can they - had me wondering? Loved all the progression and the change in family relationships. Oh gosh the revelations end of chapter 13 and more to come in 14. The further I read I was so involved I forgot to write notes. 80% we are getting closer to what? Oh, now what end of chapter 18 what are we going to hear in 19 oh gosh? Wow as we come to the end. I am wondering if there will be a follow up to this great read.
‘This is the 18th book I have read by this author, and it doesn’t disappoint. I started reading Chapter One when I arrived home. Three chapters later I was still sitting in the car. The plot draws the reader in from the beginning. It is very well written, and I warmed to the main characters immediately. I would thoroughly recommend this book.