Due to a lot of overtime the progress of book number nine ground to a halt for three whole months, during which time we had an addition to the family with the birth of a brand new granddaughter, Mia Nicola Pamela Fudge - who is obviously just gorgeous. She arrived in time to share Christmas with us and made it a bit extra special. Today I have just visited my beautiful new step-grandchild, Max Frankie Hoy, who arrived early weighing just 5 lbs. (So at least some in my family were producing something worthwhile!!)

But back to the writing, and the latest novel is now moving along nicely again and the characters are taking over and dictating how the story goes, just as they should.

During the period of being unable to find the time to write I was even more appreciative of my writing friends, and the societies and writing magazines I subscibe to. I know in these times of recession it is sometimes hard to justify the expense of subscriptions and memberships, but the cost can be set against the fact that you are being kept up to speed with what is going on in the world of publishing - not to mention being encouraged to keep writing no matter what. Especially when you see that authors are still getting published - despite what the doom and gloom merchants would have us believe.

Spring is here now, a time of new beginnings. So if your writing has been lying fallow for a while now is definitely the time to put on your author's hat again. Switch on that PC and see if the green shoots of new ideas don't start appearing.